Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Mom's Cooking

It wasn't until the last couple of years that I took an interest in cooking. In Singapore, my mom rarely cooked meals so I didn't have an opportunity to really learn from her. But before I left for Alabama, she did teach me how to cook a few simple dishes, like fried rice, braised soy sauce chicken, and stir-fried vegetables.

Singapore home cooked food
The dishes we cooked together

While cooking these dishes with my mom, I realized that she wasn't following any recipe. And when I asked, she told me that she didn't need any. She could not give me the exact amounts of the ingredients either. She really did not use any measuring cups or spoons. She told me that she eyeballs everything, and that I should do the same.

It frustrated me because I wanted to cook the same dishes here in the US, and I wanted them to taste exactly like my mom's. For a beginner in the kitchen, it is essential to know the exact amount of each ingredient in a dish. Cooking without a recipe is almost impossible, well, for me at least. So, I had to turn to Google for recipes, of which none came close to tasting like my mom's food.

It seems difficult to find a whole lot of recipes for Singaporean home cooked dishes on the internet. I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to Singapore and watch my mom cook those dishes again, then figure out the measurements and make recipes.

I'm looking forward to eating some home cooked meals in Singapore! I really miss my mom's cooking. Hopefully, I'll be able to make those recipes and share them here.

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